Thursday, March 30, 2017

Review of Brody and Nick by A.D. Ellis


A cute story idea, that gets lost.

Brody and Nick by A.D. Ellis is set around the idea of 2 friends that get married for financial gain, but end up falling for each other.  Army specialist Brody King, is looking to get out of barracks housing, but the only way to live off base is if you are married.  Brody can save some money if only he can find someone to marry…enter Nick Ferguson.  Nick is close to graduation, but has settled his life with his volunteer work and potential career path of starting his own charity.  But he needs out of his current rooming situation and marring Brody seems like it is the best of both worlds. 

This is one is a series of books, we didn’t ready the others, so safe to assume you can read as a standalone.  Brody and Nick are great characters, and you fall in love with the beginning of the story.  We totally got caught up in their rush to get married, and their sweet, sexy vibe.  But the story kinda loses steam, and becomes a bit drama and angsty.  As expected they fall in love each other, but when they are both ready to tell each other, something throws a wrench in the story, and drama.   Plus they tend to emote a lot, and on and on and on. We tended to skim a bit.
There are lots of great things about this story, the development of characters and their friends is really fun, everyone should have friends like these.  And their journey to love is great, how they fall in love, you actually feel for them, and believe.  And the best part is the epilogue, 5-star, A.D. Ellis should write a course in good epilogues! 

Brody and Nick is a cute marriage-of-convenience story, which makes you believe in love, but too much drama and angst makes it a long read!

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